Supported Document Formats

Work with documents in many popular formats, as well as freely convert files from one format to another using C#.

Wordize consists of modules that allow users to work with different features and sets of formats. There are two groups of modules:

  1. Modules for converting documents from one format to another – allow users to load their documents and save them in the required formats
  2. Modules for working with features other than conversion – comparison, digital signature, search and replace, and others

Conversion Modules

You cannot use Wordize features without the ability to load your document and then save the result – that’s what conversion modules are for.

To understand which conversion module you need, carefully study the list of loading and saving formats. If the formats you are interested in are in different modules, then you need several modules for correct operation.

The following table lists the modules for converting documents and the corresponding loading and saving formats:

Wordize Core for .NET MS Word document formats:
DOC, DOT, DocPreWord60, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, DOTM, FlatOpc, FlatOpcMacroEnabled, FlatOpcTemplate, FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled, RTF, WordML, XML, Text
MS Word document formats:
DOC, DOT, DOCX, DOCM, DOTX, DOTM, FlatOpc, FlatOpcMacroEnabled, FlatOpcTemplate, FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled, RTF, WordML, Text, XLSX
Wordize Web for .NETWeb formats:
Web formats:
Wordize eBook for .NETeBook formats:
eBook formats:
Wordize OpenOffice for .NETOpen Office document formats:
Open Office document formats:
Wordize PDF Load for .NETPDF-
Wordize Rendering for .NET-Fixed page formats:
PDF, XPS, SVG, PS, PostScript, TIFF, PNG, BPM, EMF, JPEG, GIF, XPS, XamlFixed, OpenXps, XamlFlow and XamlFlowPack, PCL, EPS

If you have licenses for several conversion modules, you can expand the list of loading and saving formats. For example, if you have licenses for the Wordize Core for .NET and Wordize Web for .NET modules, you can load an HTML document and convert it to DOCX.

Other Feature Modules

As mentioned above, there are modules for working with features other than conversion. The special thing about working with these models is that in addition to the required feature, you need to purchase a license for the conversion module with the formats you need – this is necessary in order to load your document and then save the result.

Below is a list of modules for working with features:

  • Wordize Comparison for .NET
  • Wordize Signature for .NET
  • Wordize Merge for .NET
  • Wordize Replacement for .NET
  • Wordize Splitting for .NET
  • Wordize Watermark for .NET
  • Wordize Mail Merge for .NET
  • Wordize LINQ Reporting for .NET

So, if you have licenses for the Wordize Core for .NET (mandatory) and Wordize Splitting for .NET modules, this means you can load a Word document, split it into parts, and save each part in the same or another Word format.